Your life story would make a great book. Let me help you write it.
Client testimonials, media mentions and excerpts from reader reviews.
"We are truly grateful to you for ensuring that my father’s legacy and story will continue thru the generations with this book."
—Dr. Esther Muschel
I recently completed my first book's manuscript and needed a publisher. In speaking with a friend, he recommended Peter Weisz Publishing. During my first meeting with Peter, I immediately knew I wanted to work with him, given his 23 years of experience in the publishing industry and his ability to help a new writer navigate all aspects of the book publishing and marketing process. Peter helped me turn my draft manuscript into a published book. His vast network of structural (developmental) editors, copyeditors, and proofreaders ensured that the manuscript was polished. He then designed the book's front and back cover and page layout, redesigned some charts, and added beautiful imagery to the book.
Upon the book's completion, he assisted with its marketing, including distribution on all major online platforms, announcements, promo video creation, setting up an author's website, and contacting publications for book review requests. He is terrific to work with and is a talented creative. The process was collaborative, transparent (no surprises with the deliverables or fees), successful, and rewarding. I consider Peter a friend and highly recommend him - especially if this is your first book.
“A Gentile’s Journey by Bill Callahan is beautifully written to educate, enlighten, and inspire people of both faiths, the author invites us into his world as he shares his personal experiences, viewpoints, and desire to create a future where interfaith relationships between Christians and Jews can flourish.”
~ Roslyn Franken,
award-winning author and presenter of
"Meant to Be: A True Story of Might, Miracles and Triumph of the Human Spirit"
“We must always stand united in loudly and clearly condemning violence against our friend & ally, Israel.”
Sen. Tim Scott discussing Bill Callahan's outstanding memoir, "A Gentile's Journey."
Client Bill Callahan with Senator Tim Scott
—Pastor Leah Miles,
Co-Founder of
The Esther 414 Foundation &
Christian Women for Israel
I have been praying about what to say after having read A Gentile’s Journey twice:
If you have a deep love for Israel and the Jewish people, this book was written for you. You will realize you are not alone. Bill, a modern-day Mordecai, shares how one person can make a difference—by building bridges between the Jewish and Christian communities and by being a bright light and strong voice in a hurting world.
—Joel Hart, Chair
Palm Beach AIPAC
Political Leadership Council
I have known Bill Callahan for many years and love his passion. In his new book, A Gentile’s Journey, Bill shares in detail the events that shaped his fascinating life. You will also find out why I call him Israel’s “secret weapon.”
Listen to my recent appearance on the Business in Paradise podcast to learn more about placing "Values Over Valuables":
A few words from Jason Shapiro
• Author and founder of TreeMouth Books.
• PWP client
—John H. Merey, M.D
West Palm Beach, FL
about “I’m Still Smiling”
Peter was kind enough to write a memoir book with my son, Andrew, who suffered from a spinal cord tumor. In the middle of writing the book my son passed away and the family was called upon to assist in finishing it.
We, now,have a permanent testimony of Andrew's life which will prove invaluable to his children and, in the future, to his more remote descendants.
Thank you, Peter, for taking on and completing this uniquely challenging project.
—Pearl Ginsburg
New York, New York
about “the Wisdom of Pearl”
From the moment I decided that I wanted to share my story and write a memoir book, up to the date it was completed and published, with Peter's help, the journey was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
Very simply, Peter not only took the time to listen to my stories and
then place them into their proper context, but he also got into my
"neshama," my soul, and made sure that my deeper feelings, my emotions and my life's lessons would now be permanently recorded for my children, for my grandchildren, for my great- grandchildren and for so many others.The most recent example of "Pearl's Wisdom"' was deciding that Peter would be the one to assist me in writing "The Wisdom of Pearl" and for that, I shall be forever grateful.
—The Hon. Ariel Sharon
"The 11th Prime Minister of Israel
about “I Shall Not Die!”
“A Raconteur Extraordinaire.”
This is a history of a family that rose above tyranny and poverty to contribute to the well being of others. There were so many invaluable lessons here, obtained through incredible experience. The two chapters on building an institution for Jewish education and personal experiences with Menachem Begin were my favorites. This book will delight readers with the glee & gratitude of making a home in America, and the role Hart played in building the nation of Israel.
—Birch Bayh,
Former United States Senator
about “High Octane.”
"This book recounts that journey faithfully, eloquently and in a highly entertaining manner. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for an outstanding and uplifting testimony to the American Dream.”
—Thomas J. Donahue,
CEO United States Chamber of Commerce
about “High Octane.”
"All of these qualities shine through in High Octane, a wonderful story, simply and eloquently told. All who aspire to success in business, entrepreneurship, leadership and life should read this book and take its plain spoken wisdom to heart.”
—The Hon.
Ze'ev Benjamin Begin, M.K.
about “Mark My Words!”
"Mark My Words! is a compelling 20th Century Jewish book. And it has an important added value. It exemplifies to the younger generation how human spirit can overcome difficulties and how human values can make success an educational resource."
—Dr. Miles Lerman z"l
Chariman Emeritus
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
"The last words of Simon Dubnow, the world re-nowned Jewish historian, who, before he was packed into the cattle cars for his final journey, were: 'Jews, remember and record everything!' Mark Hasten is fulfilling this legacy. He is to be saluted for recording and keeping these memories alive."
—Abraham H. Foxman
National Director Emeritus
Anti-Defamation League
"Marilyn Berman Pollans…
is a remarkable woman
who has crafted an insightful and inspiring book about her life.
It is a classic American
story and truly an inspirational
—Rabbi Moshe E. Scheiner,
Palm Beach Synagogue
about “The Wisdom of Pearl”
"Whether you are among the young or the young at heart, The Wisdom of Pearl is a book that will uplift, as well as entertain you. In its pages, you will get to know a singular soul, unique among all whom you have ever met. And, by passing her story and her spirit on to the next generation, you will actually be taking a page from her book. You will be employing the Wisdom of Pearl to help build the future of the Jewish people."
—Gerald Barbarito
Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida.
"This beautifully written memoir should be required reading for any young wo-man who needs a role model. For the rest of us, it is a delightful read about a woman who definitely did not take no for an answer."
—Rev. Gloria Stanchak Alexander
Certified Trainer International Assn. of Counselors and Therapists
"This is a wonderful book and a tribute to the amazing Andrew and his remarkable and wonderful family. Personally, I think this story would make an inspiring movie reaching out to so many more and teaching us how to live life to the fullest."
—George H.W. Bush
41st President of the United States of America
"Hart, I liked our picture in your book and the
generous comments
about helping Jews to go
—Nir Buchler
Senior Representative
Jewish Agency for Israel
"I am reading one book you helped write. You are doing great work and helping people leave a lasting piece. Impressive and great idea!"
— Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin
Founder, Chancellor Emeritus and Rosh HaYeshiva of Ohr Torah Stone
"Murray Laulicht has written a most unique, page-turning, and breathtaking memoir from the Holocaust. It is the story of a passionately devoted husband and wife-with-child, cruelly and tragically forced apart by Hitler's satanic hordes.."
—Bob Mayer
Founder & Chairman Emeritus of the Robert Mayer Corporation
"Writing my life story, Without Risk There is No Reward, with Peter was a fantastic experience I shall never forget."
—The Orange County Register
February 19, 2019
"Mayer's book is a story of triumph over tragedy, persistence through tough times, and reaping the rewards of taking risks. A phenomenal read for those who love and live life to the fullest."
"Your story of survival and accomplish-ment represents the best of the human spirit and is an inspiration to us all."
—George W. Bush